Taste of Heaven

The last three days have probably literally been the best days of my life. Just typing those words bring tears to my eyes for the fourth time in the past two days.

A desire of my heart I did not know I truly even had was given to me these past three days. I have a sinking feeling yesterday may have been the last day of some of the most satisfying days of my life…but I would never take them back.

You see…I have always desired a sister. Having a sister has always been the cry of my inner child. I remember getting so excited when my brother was going to get married when I was really little. I got so excited because that meant I would finally get a sister!! That marriage never happened.

Many different things have happened since that day where I believed I would finally have a true sister in Christ by my side-even multiple! Time after time though…they never lasted. Nor did they ever gain much depth.

This time Jesus led me to someone I honestly didn’t want to be “sisters” with. Eventually I listened though because I knew deep down He knew best.

I cannot even begin to express how much God has truly worked through this sisterhood. I’ve never had a big sister, but I’m honestly nervous I blew it.

Maybe I overthink too much. Okay. I KNOW I overthink wayyyyy too much. But when I think of yesterday…All I can say is…THAT is what Heaven is going to be like. It truly was a taste of Heaven.

And I haven’t had this many tears (yes, I’m currently crying) for YEARS.

Taking turns giving thanks to God and praying for those in our lives was just the start.

A deep desire of my heart I did not know I even had was to sing praises to Jesus with a sister in Christ going back and forth singing deep from our inner souls and spirits–not just singing words off a lyric chart–not just singing mindlessly memorized words–but truly WORSHIPPING THE GOD OF OUR SOULS. Jesus who is OUR EVERYTHING. Sweet sweet Jesus. Oh I cannot wait until Heaven when 24/7 I will get to praise and worship Your holy name.

I love singing my own words to Jesus by myself, but to sing along a sister in Christ with our own words…it’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever experienced next to Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. God is so good. Thank You Jesus. Thank You Holy Spirit for the tears.

Daddy God,

I know I’ve been so focused on my time with my sister in Christ that I need to remember that ultimately it’s about spending time with You. Forgive me for running to her and with her instead of fully running to YOU first every breath of my daily life. I pray You won’t take away this sisterhood, but that I will recognize that my relationship with YOU is always first and foremost. Help me to keep my eyes on You and calm the storm in my heart. Ultimately May Your will be done. Whether these three days were the only days or the beginning of many–I know I can trust You wherever You lead. Thank You so much regardless. My heart is overflowing from Your grace and I would not trade it for the world. Keep my eyes on You, Jesus. I cannot wait until the day of Heaven where I get to sing praises to You alongside my brothers and sisters in Christ 24/7.

In Jesus’ name, amen.

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