LGBTQ Homophobia: An Epidemic

She kisses her friend.
“That is wrong! You cannot do that!”
Told from age 4 to deny part of herself.

She dreams about kissing a girl.
“Homosexuality is a sin!”
As a teenager she begins to condone herself.

She loves her friend; She loves her humble spirit running after God.
“I’m praying for you like my alcoholic friend.”
Heartbroken, she hates herself.

She comes out to a friend.
“Love the sinner; hate the sin.”
Deep down she knows there is only one way to kill the “sin”.

She opens her Bible at college:
“Homosexuality is an abomination.”
Through misinterpretation she’s now standing on a chair, rope around her neck, crying out to God.

How does this story end? You tell me.
This poem is not a work of fiction. It is a true story from my life. I identify as a Christian that is pansexual. I have the most amazing boyfriend in the world now, but I am also still attracted to the same gender. Many of you will be silent in response to this poem; in fact most of you will. I pray that you will not be silent for the next LGBTQ person. God loves the LGBTQ community unconditionally.

Coming Out

Roxanne held in a secret for years since she grew up in the church. She feared being kicked out if her secret got out. When she went to college she began to open up to some friends she made from the church she attended there. She was finally coming out of the closet. She had beat herself up for so long believing God condemned her…when she finally came out…things got worse. She was told she could not be a student leader at church and her friends distanced themselves and said they would be praying. She eventually convinced herself that God wanted her dead…

Fast forward a couple years, she is still alive. Roxanne was me and God knocked me on my knees with His unconditional love. He humbled me and gave me compassion towards the lgbtq community tremendously. Personally, I still am attracted to the same sex…but I have a boyfriend now and I have been blessed by his love. He is kind, sympathetic, understanding, gentle, silly, and even annoying (in a good way) at times. His actions sometime remind me of the love Jesus displays towards us. I know now after much conviction that God wants me to have a husband one day, but that does not mean I’m no longer attracted to the same sex. Would I consider myself heterosexual? Probably not, honestly. But I will follow the Lord’s will for my life to the best of my ability. Will I lose friends from this blog entry? More than likely. But something I realized last night is that the ONLY one constant is God. He knew me before I was born and He will never leave my life so I will hold tightly to Him even if I get rejected by another church. The church is not God. The Church is God’s bride. And His bride is not perfect. She is full of flaws but God still loves her unconditionally. I will not be bitter towards any church anymore because it’s a body of imperfect people so why should I expect anymore?